Tag Archives: skin cancer

Sunscreen vs no Sunscreen vs Coconut oil as Sunscreen?

6 Jun

Coconut Oil

There is so much information about sunscreen coming out lately.  We at Fairy Godmother have a confused attitude about it, probably like a lot of folks.  Sunscreen causing cancer is a freaking scary concept!

Also, Anna is allergic to most products that contain SPF so she rarely uses it on her face.  And by rarely we mean when she is sitting on the beach in Mexico.  🙂 Continue reading

Product Review – Fake Bake Flawless Sunless Tanner

9 May

With summer fast approaching I know many of you are thinking about getting that health summer glow.  I urge you to stay out of the sun and Fake Bake instead.  No- not tanning beds, those will make you die.

Let me first remind you – I am pale.  I am talking reflective pale up in here.  This is mostly because I gave up any idea of tanning the moment my mom was diagnosed with skin cancer and well, because I was a teenage goth girl.

So in order not to blind people while wearing Jorts (jean shorts) or any other leg exposing garments I seriously have to use fake tanner or a bronzer.  Also, being tan makes you appear thinner and makes your muscles look more gun show.  Pew pew.

So my new favorite fake tanner is the Fake Bake Flawless – $14.50 for 6oz from Amazon.com


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